Thursday, March 11, 2004

Blogging and its advantages

A number of people have asked me why I should have a blog. Well, after much thought, I decided to go ahead and list the top 10 reasons here.

Why have a blog Reason no 10 : It improves your typing speed. I am sure in the last 2 weeks or so I have been blogging, my typing speed has gone up from 45 characters per minute to 45 and a half characters per minute

Why have a blog Reason no 9 : It improves your familiarity with your keyboard. The best example is this sentence, which I have written with my eyes closed ;)

Why have a blog Reason no 8 : It helps you have an interesting conversation with your mind. Lotsa times it becomes difficult for me to decide what to write about. At that point I ping my mind and start having interesting conversations with him. Usually what you see here is a transcript of that conversation!! :)

Why have a blog Reason no 7 : It helps you have interesting conversations over the lunch table. Well, I dont really need to say more about this. My somewhat frivolous and often sensible posts are topics people love to discuss about!! ;)

Why have a blog Reason no 6 : It helps turn on the creativity in the bloggers mind. All you need to do is look at my blog which talks about Guinea Pigs from sub tropical forests, and you know what I am talking about. :)

Why have a blog Reason no 5 : It helps you with usage of wonderful and hitherto unknown words of the English language. Check my post on 29th of Feb for more details :)

Why have a blog Reason no 4 : It helps you get a better perspective of goings on. Although I have never done it before, there are viewpoints/opinions I have of events/ppl and when i feel like boring you, I will start analysing them out here!!

Why have a blog Reason no 3 : It gives you a fan club. I dont have one yet, or maybe I do have a club consisting of one member at least, but the more my mind turns itself on, the more fans I am likely to get :)

Why have a blog Reason no 2 : It gives you discipline. I have blogged every night... and though I forgot to blog in office today, I have come home to do it. Ok.. fine, I came online for other reasons, but well, I am blogging!! :)

Why have a blog Reason no 1 : It is a perfect way to pain juntaa... ask them to read some of my blogs.. and you will know what I am talking about!! :D

Wel, I hope this convinces the rest of you to start a blog and pain me as much I pain you!! :D



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