Monday, March 08, 2004

Today is Women's Day. Why we have such a day when there is no simlar day for men is an unanswered question!

Its a big irony that, the world talks about woman upliftment, but its the men who are always at a disadvantage. Have we ever seen a bus which has a men's seat? A lady is allowed to sit anywhere in a bus, while a guy has committed nothing short of sacrilege my invading into the precious privacy of a lady's seat in a bus. Similarly, have we seen a men's queue? a men's compartment?

The loo is the only place where men can claim that they have something of their own!

When women have so many great privileges, than pray tell me, why we still talk about women upliftment? George Orwell, in his book, the Animal Farm, quoted, "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than the others". Maybe womenfolk, who are baying for equality of the sexes, should go through this comment and realize that they have(through hook or by crook) become more equal than us menfolk, and should concentrate more on other things that they are good at and good for!!!


P.S: These views are mostly mine, some borrowed from frustrated people in a ticket counter having a separate ladies queue, some borrowed from perpetually pained passengers Blue Line Buses of Delhi/Pallava Transport of Madras.. etc etc...


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